Safety information

The college has been made aware of recent incidents involving tactful and aggressive begging in Southend high street and the surrounding areas. The Safeguarding team, in collaboration with Essex Police and Southend community support officers, would like to advise students to stay alert and vigilant when off site as well as how we can help should you find yourself being targeted.


• When travelling to and from college, or taking breaks off site, try to do this with another person or in a small group, remembering the rule of 6!

• Be vigilant and alert to who is around you at all times and of your belongings and pockets

• Should you be approached or asked for money, do not engage in conversation and walk away or into a nearby shop

• Should you feel intimated, cornered, or unable to get past, try speaking loudly to draw attention to passers-by or security staff if you need some help

• Do not hand any money (including small change) over no matter how persistent, desperate yet friendly or pleading they may become

• Do not withdraw cash from an ATM for them

• Please return to college site for safety and speak to the college guardians, college security, reception or any member of the safeguarding team

• Do report this to the police on the non-emergency number 101, the safeguarding team can support you if necessary in doing this


We will support and help you and take necessary action to help keep you safe.