Mongolian Partner College Visit Strengthens Ties with SECG

In order to further academic collaboration, a delegation from Inner Mongolia Business and Trade Vocational College (IMBTVC), led by President Wenbin FAN, visited South Essex Colleges Group. The visit was marked by the signing of a renewal agreement between the two institutions, signifying our continued commitment to fostering educational partnerships.

The day began with a warm welcome for the visiting delegates from Denise Brown, Group Chief Executive, and Jayne Sheehan, Vice Group CEO Innovation & Employer Engagement. The delegation was given a tour of the campus, showcasing the latest facilities that have been developed in recent years.

During the visit, a renewal agreement was signed in a formal ceremony attended by staff from International Departments of both colleges. The agreement outlines plans for joint education projects, and the sharing of resources and expertise in academic disciplines. This renewal is a testament to the long-standing relationship between SECG and IMBTVC.

The visit concluded with an academic exchange event, where the delegation was invited to sit in one of our classes, made observation of our quality teaching, and exchanged ideas of quality teaching & learning practice. This event allowed for a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other's perspectives.