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Health and social care students promote positive health with college campaign
Students on the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care were tasked with running and reporting on a public health campaign of their choice as part of their assessed assignment.
The students contacted local or national charities to gather relevant information and resources for their campaign. They also designed their own posters and leaflets and networked with different departments to spread the word.
The information stalls were at the Southend campus on Monday 21 March and Friday 25 March, covering a variety of topics such as, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, dementia, climate change, mental health, teenage pregnancy, stress, anxiety, drug and alcohol awareness, autism, obesity, suicide prevention, asthma, breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
Claire Hopkinson, Health and Science Lecturer, said: “We had a really successful two days and all the BTEC level 3, year two Health and Social care students worked really hard to create their own resources to give away and to contact external agencies for information.”
The feedback I received from people was really positive and everyone learnt something new. Public health is an exciting career path and I think the campaigns show how varied it can be.”
For more information on the Health and Social Care courses, visit: