Exciting Partnership with Mindful Education

South Essex College Group have partnered with Mindful Education.

Mindful Education, founded in 2015, are based in London and offer award-winning blended learning courses, providing the perfect combination of online learning and regular lessons on campus.

The part-time professional courses available at SECG offer the best of both worlds, allowing  students to study both online and on campus, therefore requiring less time in college than traditional classroom only courses. This still provides all the benefits of being part of a group that meet up regularly with a tutor.

Raj Kumaran, Director of Education and Partnerships at Mindful Education told us: “We are delighted to have partnered with South Essex College to deliver Online and On Campus professional courses and apprenticeships. Our award-winning courses are media rich, which helps bring concepts to life and delivers an outstanding learning experience. We are looking forward to seeing the achievements of all South Essex College Online and On Campus students and apprentices over the coming year and beyond”.

Student, Faye said: “Blended learning means I can have a good work-life-family balance. If I didn’t study this way, I wouldn’t be able to achieve my qualifications.”

Mindful Education also offer a range of funding loans for students to help cover the cost of study. Level 2 courses are part-funded, significantly reducing the cost of the course. Level 3 Accounting courses are fully funded for eligible learners (those without a full level 3 qualification or who are earning less than the national living wage). Level 3 and 4 offer advanced learner loans, and are not required to pay anything back until you are earning over £26,575 a year.

The current courses we have available are Accounting, People Practice, Management and Leadership, Principles of Management and Leadership as well as multiple apprenticeship vacancies, all of which can be viewed following this link: www.southessex.ac.uk/mindful-education