
Apprenticeships, Training and CPD

We know that ensuring your workforce is equipped with the skills and experience needed to help your business thrive and grow is a key challenge and priority.

The Workforce development team at South Essex college is here to help.

We offer a wide range of courses for employers looking to improve the skills of their employees. The benefits to businesses are far-reaching and include maximising workforce efficiency, boosting business productivity, and creating a more committed and satisfied workforce.

The team specialise in three distinct areas

Workforce employers apprenticeships
Hiring an Apprentice

Whether you are a levy paying customer or an SME we offer a range of over 20 apprenticeships to choose from and will support you every step of the way.

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Workforce employers adult learning
Adult learning

We offer a range of courses, some of which are free, to help upskill your employees. We also run programmes to get people back into work.

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Workforce employers work experience
Offering work experience

Gaining real-life, on-the-job training is a key priority for all of our students who are studying vocational qualifications.

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Why choose us?

  • Industry partnerships

    You can access and participate in our network of industry expertise to help you realise benefits that will impact your growth trajectory

  • Skills consultancy

    We have extensive experience of providing advice and support to businesses skills agendas and can help you with upskilling, recruitment and developing new skills to support cutting edge industry

  • Levy sharing

    Do you have unspent Levy or are you a SME struggling to afford an apprentice? Contact us to participate in our 2020 Levy Pledge initiative ensuring that vital funding to support skills remains in the local community and accessible to all.

The quality of the apprentices and the commitment from the team at South Essex College has been great, the skills gained from the Maritime Defence Engineering course will help to future-proof our business and transfer these skills onto the next generation.

 If you have any workforce needs and would like to explore working with our dedicated team then contact apprenticeships@southessex.ac.uk

Interested in talking to our students about your industry?

We are looking for employers to deliver one hour sessions which will include;

  • A Q&A for students
  • The pros and cons of the business
  • The "realities" of the career
  • How they got into their chosen career

If you are interested and would like to work with us, our curriculum, and learners, please fill out the form below.

If you have any questions, please contact careers@southessex.ac.uk

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Industry talk